Home BLOG Stretching Stretch Break 101 - Stretch for Lower Back

Stretch Break 101 – Stretch for Lower Back

Stretch Break 101 – Lower Back Extension

Hey Everyone, this stretch is for your lower back muscles and discs.  Hunching over a computer all day or not sitting in a proper chair can have a significant impact on your lower back. The video today represents stretch number “7” on our Stretching sheet.  

Check out this video for stretching your lower back – Back Extension

This stretch is designed to help release lower back tension and put your discs back into place between your vertebrae.  When we sit hunched forward, or without good lumbar support, the discs can bulge backwards.  Worst cases, this can contribute to sciatica or pain or numbness in your butt or down your leg.  You can also do this stretch lying on your tummy on the floor and just push up with your forearms into a “lazy pushup”.

If you need a bit more help improving the Ergonomics of your chair, Anderson Ergonomics also offers external lumbar supports that you can attach to any chair to provide needed support for your lower back.  And these can also help straighten your posture and improve your upper back comfort.  Check them out on our website. 



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