Home BLOG Stretching Stretch Break 101 - Forearm Stretches

Stretch Break 101 – Forearm Stretches

Stretch Break 101 – Fingers Up and Fingers Down

Fingers-Up Stretch Fingers-Down Stretch


Welcome to video stretches #13 and 14 from our stretching sheet (if you still don’t have it, you may download it here).  These stretches are useful to alleviate discomfort in your forearms (both underside and top side).  When you are doing a lot of typing and mousing, especially if your wrist is bent backwards, the muscles in the forearm can get tight.  As the tendons associated with the forearm muscles go through your wrist and also end in your elbow, tight forearm muscles can contribute to soreness in these areas. 

It is important to be careful with this stretch – don’t pull too hard on your wrist and do not go too far if your wrist is sore.  DO NOT do this stretch if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, unless your caregiver has approved it.

For Stretching the underside of your forearm, you should stretch your arm forward in front of you, straight elbow, and have your fingers pointed up, as in a stop hand signal.  Gently pull back on the palmside of your hand and fingers.  Don’t overstretch.  Hold 20-30 seconds.  Repeat on the other hand.

For stretching the top side of your forearm, you should stretch your arm forward in front of you, straight elbow, and point your fingers towards the floor.  Gently pull the back of your hand towards you.  Hold 20-30 seconds.  Repeat other hand.

Here are the videos showing how to do these stretches.  Stretch – Fingers Up – for fingers and underside of forearmsStretch – Fingers Down – for fingers and top side of forearms.   



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