Office Ergonomic Assessment
Individual Ergonomic Assessment
This is provided when one individual requires an assessment due to concerns (discomfort, injury, issues) they are having and they need special attention. These take between 45 – 60 minutes each and provide individualized instruction on best work postures and methods to the employee as well as helping them change their workstation to ensure they are most comfortable. Typically, a report of 3-4 pages is provided.
Process for an individual assessment:
- Provide us with the name and contact information for the individual needing an assessment;
- We will send out a link to a Pre-questionnaire and Consent Form for them to complete;
- Once onsite, in front of our ergonomic specialist, our Ergonomic Specialist will observe the individual working. They will educate them about proper workstation set-up and best work methods, assist them to make changes to their workstation to reduce the issues, and provide a detailed report of findings, including product recommendations if needed.

Group Ergonomic Assessments
Group ergonomic assessments work well where many individuals are wanting an assessment to ensure they are set up properly, but generally don’t have much discomfort or pain. It works really well when it follows the Ergonomics for the Desk-Bound seminar where everyone is trained initially in a group setting. An Anderson Ergonomics Consultant Inc. will spend 15-30 minutes with each employee to help them set up their workstation. Changes are made immediately and further recommendations are identified.
New Space / New Furniture Desk-side Ergonomic Check-ups
Have you recently moved to a new location? Done some restacking and want to make sure your employees are set-up well in their new space? Our Ergonomic Consultants can come and check-up on everyone to ensure they are set up properly by walking around the floor, popping into people’s workstations, showing them how to set up their chair and their desk and leaving them with a stretching sheet and a workstation set-up document. These are “quick and dirty” (10-15 minutes a piece), but very effective. ** need group of at least 6 for this.
This type of assessment is very successful when a group education seminar (such as the Ergonomics for the Desk-Bound seminar) is done first to educate people about how they should be set up and how to use their new equipment properly.

Follow up Assessment
If someone receives a new chair or piece of equipment as a result of an ergonomic assessment, it is recommended that a follow up visit be conducted to ensure they have it set up correctly or are using it properly. One of our consultants can drop by for a quick visit to ensure the assessment has been successful in reducing the employee’s issues.
Remote Ergonomic Assessments
These assessments are done using photographs and can also be done with video conferencing technology to assist employees in setting up their workstation properly. The success rate of this type of assessment is excellent and employees get the education they need during the assessment to ensure their set up can be maintained.
Design Guidelines
Anderson Ergonomics Consulting Inc. will work with your organization to develop design guidelines for your facility planners, purchasers, and office managers. These guidelines will be based on the current standards (CSA Z412 Office Ergonomics Standard in Canada) to help support you in your decisions on which furniture and equipment products to purchase. Whether you are trying to ensure you buy the right chair, maintain control of what everyone in the company is purchasing or ensure you are getting products that will stand the test of time, we help ensure you have the resources to make these decisions.
Return to Work Assessment
No matter where an employee is injured, be it in the workplace or outside of it, you want them to return to their job safely and effectively and not reinjure themselves. A simple accident and muscle sprain or bone fracture can affect the way a person uses the rest of their body and cause problems elsewhere. Anderson Ergonomics Consultants Inc. have the expertise and experience to bring employees back to work safely. We do assessments for employees to ensure that the current work conditions and environment are conducive to their safe return to work, assisting in set-up, training the employee on proper body mechanics, and providing recommendations. We can also assist your company to develop a modified work and/or return to work program. Anderson Ergonomics Consulting Inc. performs Job Demands Analyses to help you determine proper accommodation jobs and safely return workers to the workplace.