“Let our Experts in Ergonomics help you improve your work environment”get a quote
How ‘Ergonomic’ is your Set-up? Take our Quiz to find out
Take a moment to see how ergonomically-sound your workstation set-up is. Answer the questions honestly to determine your risk for musculoskeletal injuries.
Phone-Based Ergonomic Assessments
Work with one of our consultants remotely via phone or skype to ensure you are set up properly, comfortably and productively!
New Year’s Resolution: Move More and Combat the Dangers of Sitting Disease
As the new year begins, many of us set resolutions focused on self-improvement, from eating healthier, managing stress better, and…
How We Help You
Since 1990, we have been specializing in occupational ergonomics for all types of work environments. We know people … Read More…
We have had the pleasure of working with the staff and Ergonomists at Anderson Ergonomics since 2005. In that time Anderson Ergonomics has been instrumental in providing their expertise to lower our ergonomic injuries, provide lunch n’ learns to educate our employees, teach proper manual lifting techniques and assist us on planning future projects with ergonomics in mind. They have been a vital resource for us both in our office locations and in our field locations and we look forward to continuing our relationship for years to come… Elaine van Gellekom, Devon Energy Read More…